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Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Page 13
Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Read online
Page 13
“What’s on your mind?” he asked casually, as if the boys’ behavior shouldn’t warrant her attention or concern.
“You mentioned Zane was coming out. The boys are obviously stressed about it. I’d like to know why.”
Flynn glanced at Kenny for just a moment before returning his attention to her. No doubt thinking of some way to distract her again from questions he didn’t want to answer. Not this time, Teri told herself firmly. The boys being a little anxious about their band was one thing, missing sleep and therefore missing school was another. And if Dev was stressed, she didn’t want his grades slipping. Bryan’s either, although he didn’t show any interest in going to college. Dev couldn’t afford to let his grades take a hit if he wanted to get into MIT. It was competitive.
“Why what?” Flynn asked.
“Are you asking why is Zane coming or why are they a little tense?”
Teri didn’t even think about why Zane was coming. He was a member of Flynn’s band, why wouldn’t he visit? Flynn took Bryan to see Drew just last week, Zane coming to visit seemed reasonable and naturally he’d listen to the boys while he was here. Why wouldn’t he?
“Why are they upset?” Teri decided.
“Because Zane’s coming out specifically to listen to them and watch them perform. They want to make a good impression.” Flynn held her eyes locked with his. Teri remembered him mentioning once Zane was considering having the boys open for them on a short U.S. tour. Was that was this was about? Flynn wasn’t even sure he wanted to tour again, he said it the night of the lightning storm and he’d indicated as much since. So if Flynn wasn’t touring, why was Zane coming? Teri didn’t get it.
“Okay, why is Zane coming then?”
Flynn paused, sipping his coffee and giving Teri the impression he was choosing his words carefully. Maybe because Kenny was there. Flynn didn’t want Kenny to know about Zane’s tour idea. Teri didn’t really want to think about Dev touring at all. Not yet. He wasn’t ready. All right, she wasn’t ready.
“Zane’s coming because I asked him to. The boys are used to playing around me. As you already noticed, the idea of playing for Zane invokes a very different reaction. Zane’s a micromanaging perfectionist. He’s impossible to please and that the boys are still young and relatively new won’t make any difference to him.”
“That’s not making me feel better,” Teri frowned at Flynn.
“Me either,” Kenny said. Teri glanced at him, concerned that Kenny appeared to be sweating.
“Zane’s constructive feedback aside, his presence will do a few things. First, if Dev’s still having stage fright issues, I’d like to bring it on in a controlled situation instead of a public one. If Zane sitting there calmly staring at him while he plays doesn’t freak him out, he’s cured. Hell, I’ve known Zane for twenty-five years and he still makes me cringe sometimes.”
“But how? Zane is . . . just Zane. He’s a little anal maybe, but he’s not evil.”
“Yes he is,” Flynn answered.
“He’s a legend,” Kenny answered at the same time.
“Right. Take Kenny’s answer.” Flynn gestured to the miserable teen across from him. “I’m well known and the public face of In Like Flynn. That’s for the fans. For the people really into the music, for musicians, they look to Zane. He’s a hell of a guitarist, Teri. Even people who don’t care for us as a band respect Zane’s talent. Kenny and Dev in particular are going to feel that pressure.”
“It’s like putting on a talent show for God,” Kenny whispered.
“Satan’s closer, Kenny,” Flynn shook his head and turned back to Teri. “Also, Zane coming makes a statement to the boys. It’s a clear sign that this isn’t play time anymore; it’s time to get serious. Even Dev felt it, which is something I was hoping for.”
Teri shook her head, not understanding what Flynn was getting at.
“Dev goes along with this because it’s what Kenny, Jess, and Bryan want. He plays, but he doesn’t really get involved. He didn’t. Last night he stepped up as a member of the band, not just someone who stands beside Jess and plays bass. He’s done it in the past, taking the Oskar Viktor job, for example, but then he withdraws again. I want his participation. They need his participation.
“And they’ve got enough songs together, I want to take them to a studio after school’s out. That’s going to be outside Dev’s comfort zone. This is just a step in preparing him for that.”
“Other people will be there,” Teri guessed.
“Yes, and Jess won’t be able to distract him. He’ll have to deal with his anxiety on his own. I’m going to try to pitch it to him as a similar situation to the photo-shoots. He can look panicked all he wants, as long as he hits his cues.”
Teri nodded. “He knows he’s getting a break on the photo-shoots. Tim called and told me they’re re-writing the campaign focus, of course you already told me they would. You should have seen the relief on Dev’s face when I told him.”
“I can imagine. I still need to tell him I’m doing a spread for Oskar. I had an idea that I wanted to run by you.” Flynn seemed almost hesitant and Teri wasn’t sure if it was Kenny’s presence or something else that had him walking on eggshells. The tension in his posture screamed at her, although his face was a perfect mask.
“You shoot it.”
She didn’t see that coming. “What?”
“I know you’re not a typical photographer, snapping shots to sell a product, but you do sell an idea. I’ve seen your work. You sell sexy. So do I. Granted, I’ll be dressed, but you’ve shot me before and I was dressed then. Your pictures were great. I’m not Oskar’s normal model, why have a normal photographer?”
“You’re serious.” The idea floored Teri. She was sitting, but she felt like she wasn’t sitting enough. Put Flynn in her studio. Put him under her lights and in front of her camera. Granted they laughed about it before, him getting . . . how did he put it? Naked and frisky, so she could take pictures. He’d have clothes on this time, but she could put him in suggestive poses. Teri knew all the tricks to have a picture scream ‘sex.’ With Flynn in the lens it’d be . . . well it’d scream ‘SEX!’ all right.
Teri swallowed, her mouth dry. What was she afraid of? She could do this easily.
It felt awkward. Flynn was a friend. You didn’t think of your friends like that. You didn’t want them to scream ‘SEX!’ at you.
He did though. Teri had to admit, if Flynn were still interested, she might consider him. He was strong when she needed him to be, sensitive to her grieving, and great with the kids. Flynn went above and beyond with the kids, not just the boys with their band. He taught the girls to cook, gave them advice on boys, an opinion on hair, makeup, and clothes. He made sure the kids in school got their homework done. Flynn got Kenny and Alicia together, and Jess to start settling down in his mad dating quests. Watching Flynn with the kids was as attractive to Teri as his face and body. More actually. He was warm and caring and . . .
Teri shook her head. Flynn wasn’t still interested, he wasn’t chasing her. It was a non-issue.
“So you don’t want to do it?” Flynn asked. He seemed disappointed.
She looked at him, initially confused. She shook her head to clear away thoughts of him, and he took it for an answer.
“Oh, no, that was something else. Just clearing my head. What made you think of this?”
“A couple things. First, I was looking for a way to get you back in the studio, this isn’t your normal shoot, but it’s at least professional and closer to your normal focus. Second, like I said, I’m doing a spread for Oskar, but I’m not his normal model. This is a one-time thing. There’s no reason to make it like all his other ads, there’s every reason to make it different. I’m different. If he’s using my celebrity status, we might as well make a real statement with it. Let me drip sex appeal all over his ad. Also,” Flynn got up and walked over to the basement stairs. He glanced down and
listened for a moment before returning to his place and sitting. “Also, it’d let me sell it to Dev in terms of helping you get back in the studio. I can’t very well tell him the truth,” Flynn whispered.
That was a very good point, Teri conceded. She nodded. “Okay. I’ll give it a go. I’ve never done this before though.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. Thank you. I’ll call Oskar’s man back and pitch it to him.”
“What kind of clothes is he going to have you model?” Teri asked, trying to figure out what set to use.
“No idea. If we’re lucky he’ll design a swimsuit and let me model that for you,” Flynn grinned.
Across from him, Kenny shifted to put his head on the table and cover it with both arms. Teri smiled. Flynn was a godsend, she was lucky to have him around.
• • •
Dev and Bryan went to school on time the next day, but played sick again the day after. Furious, Teri pulled Flynn back out to the front porch again as soon as he arrived.
“I get it that they want to play their best for Zane, but it does not get to interfere with school!” She glared at him. He was going to cover for them, she just knew it. “And don’t give me that ‘boys will be boys’ line either. This is different.”
“Dev needs to keep his grades up for college. I know,” Flynn nodded. “I’ll talk to them, but it won’t last, don’t worry.”
“Don’t worry? I have to explain myself to Markie when Bryan sleeps over, then doesn’t actually sleep and is too tired to go to school the next day. Or when he falls asleep in class. She’s furious! Their little band isn’t going to play very well for Zane if Bryan gets himself grounded.”
“It’s Friday, Zane flew in an hour ago. He’s at my place. He’ll come over, listen to the boys tomorrow, then it’s done. They’ve got Sunday to recover, back to school as usual on Monday. I’ll talk to Bryan and go meet Markie to explain, okay?”
Teri studied him, standing on her porch with a light rain falling behind him. Flynn seemed calm about it, but not exactly penitent.
“So you’re aware Dev’s going to college,” Teri said. She wanted confirmation Flynn understood how important school was, that it wasn’t taking a backseat to his little project.
“We talked about it a few times, but only briefly. Computer Science at MIT. It suits him,” Flynn said with a crisp nod.
“Listen, Teri, I’ll take them to a studio, record the album, and get them a manager. I’ve already looked around to see who’s available. Hopefully we’ll sign them with a good label. With any luck, their breakout album will be a success and they’ll get a tour opportunity with their first album.
“Dev doesn’t have to choose between the band and college, not if we handle it right. It’s an obstacle, I won’t lie, and it has me a little worried. It can work though. I’ve put a lot of time in thinking about it, talking to Kenny, making sure he’s aware and fully on board with Dev’s plans. I want the band to support him. He might never use his degree, but he feels a need to earn it. I acknowledge and respect that, and I’m trying to make sure the rest of the band will too when the time comes.
“As for missing school a couple of days, I’ll talk to them. I should have saved Zane until school was out, but I wanted to get a read on how well Dev’s dealing with his nerves. We have a plan, I need to see if it worked. I’m sorry it interfered, it won’t happen again.”
He sounded sincere and Teri caved. The tension left her, and she realized how stiff she was standing. She nodded and opened the front door to let him inside.
Flynn understood Dev was going to college. He was okay with that, even planning for it. Teri wondered just how long Flynn would be around mentoring the boys. That there was a time limit never occurred to her before. Photo-shoot for Oskar aside, Teri still had her own pictures of Flynn to take. Later, she decided, after Zane left. Now wasn’t the time to add more stress on him.
• • •
Teri watched the boys while they sat down for breakfast. Since Zane was already in town, she invited him to join them, and now wondered if that was such a good idea. Zane’s presence at breakfast affected the boys almost as much as the announcement he was coming did at dinner a week ago.
Thankfully Bryan was doing better this time. Brenda snuggled up next to him and played with his fingers. That seemed to calm him down. Her hand also kept sliding under the table and eliciting a shy smile from Bryan, which Teri didn’t want to think about.
Jess also seemed better this time, he actually talked to Zane, although she didn’t care for the line of questioning. Jess was probing for Flynn’s most embarrassing moments. He was clearly fishing for Flynn getting caught in a compromising situation, and Zane was clearly holding back. That Flynn looked completely confident Zane wasn’t going to say anything made Teri all the more curious. And a little nervous.
Kenny wasn’t eating this time. That Dev wasn’t worried her but, in retrospect, she should have expected that. He lost his appetite at Flynn’s announcement that Zane was coming and had been a little off ever since. Dev had a nervous stomach. He just couldn’t eat when he was stressed. For Kenny to succumb to nerves was out of character though. He was the pumping heart of their band. A little frustrated and confused sometimes, but he always had a plan, direction, focus. She’d never seen him like this and worried what it was going to do to them.
Dev stared miserably into his blueberry pancakes, trying to fake eating. He attempted to look like nothing was wrong, but her son was an open book and no one was going to buy his act. Brenda had Bryan thoroughly distracted, he didn’t notice Kenny’s slumped posture. Jess . . . well, Teri didn’t think Jess could do anything even if he did notice. Besides, he was talking to Zane. Keeping Zane busy was probably the best thing Jess could do for Kenny and Dev at the moment actually. Cassie and Tiffany were enthralled in the conversation between Jess and Zane as well, not that Teri could reasonably use either of the girls. They weren’t part of the band and they didn’t have that kind of supportive relationship with Kenny. Or Dev for that matter, Teri frowned at the thought. She wanted Cassie and Dev to be close. As siblings they should be close.
That left Flynn, which should have been the first place she looked for help with the boys. Except he brought this on them. He was intentionally putting them through this. No matter what logical reasoning he had, Flynn was torturing them and Teri didn’t like it.
She sighed inwardly. Something had to be done.
Teri caught Kenny’s eye and motioned for him to meet her upstairs. He cringed, but nodded and quietly got up. She followed him and directed him to her room, closing the door behind her.
“Sit,” she motioned to the bed. Kenny tentatively sat. Usually little heart to heart chats took place in the kitchen or living room, but both were in sight of the dining room so neither was an option. The basement might have been better, but eventually everyone was going to end up there and Teri wasn’t sure how long this would take.
She took a deep breath. “Did I ever tell you about meeting Zane?”
Kenny shook his head.
“You know I did an impromptu photo-shoot of In Like Flynn, right?”
“In Miami last summer. Yeah.”
“Charlie was still with them, Troy Bennett was supposed to be shooting them but he was having a rough time. Zane kept glaring at Charlie, he just wouldn’t stop. Of course that didn’t encourage Charlie to smile much, it just added tension. Flynn and Drew could usually be counted on to keep things lively and playful but, with all the tension, that just wasn’t happening.
“When I stepped in, I put Charlie out of Zane’s line of sight and tossed a couple girls in bikinis into the mix. Zane snapped at everyone to ignore the girls and focus on the camera.”
“Flynn said he’s a control freak,” Kenny whispered with a nod. He stared at the floor unhappily. Teri wasn’t happy either. He heard the words, but he wasn’t getting the point.
“Yeah. I was playful about it, but I yelled at Zane. I told him he wasn’t their
father and to let them look at the pretty girls. It broke the tension a little and Zane let me take control of the shoot from there on. Considering I was the photographer, it should have been that way from the beginning.”
“Fine, control freak. Point?”
“He’s not a god, Kenny. This is your band, your home ground, your show —”
The door opened behind her and Teri looked. Flynn slipped into her room.
“Am I too late for the pep talk?”
Teri wasn’t sure what to say. He closed the door and looked at Kenny.
“I was just telling him about when I met Zane.”
“The ‘My God, Zane, you’re not their father, let them look at the pretty girls’ story?”
Kenny’s head jerked up to meet Flynn’s smiling face.
Teri’s lips twitched. “That one.”
“That was great,” Flynn nodded. “You should have been party to the conversation after when Drew and I tried to talk him into letting us do semi-nudes.”
Kenny’s eyes widened in surprise or disbelief. Teri wasn’t sure she believed that either, but she went along with it.
“Bet that was interesting.”
“And brief. He’s such a prude,” Flynn shook his head. “Kenny, I’ve told you he’s a controlling SOB, now I suspect Teri’s told you the same.”
Kenny nodded, eyes on the floor again.
“You’re handing him control and you need to keep it. You’re not defeated.”
“He’s unpleasable, you said that.”
“Yes, he is. So do the best you can. You won’t get a five star review because he doesn’t believe in them. A choir of angels could descend on this house and perform and he would probably give them a three and a half. It’s not that he’s an asshole, it’s just the way he is. I know it, he knows it. Because I know it, he expects you to. Don’t take anything he says or does personally.”
Flynn watched Kenny for a moment before turning to Teri. He looked at her, and she saw the struggle inside him. He had something else to say, but didn’t know if he should. Teri glanced at Kenny, his slumped posture, head hanging like he’d been beaten brought tears to her eyes. Sitting beside him, she put an arm around him, but he didn’t respond.