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Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Page 19

  It only took a moment for Flynn to turn off the burner, come stand between her knees, and let his mouth meet hers. Teri put her arms around his neck, and let her ankles cross behind him, sliding forward against him in the process.

  Flynn pulled her hips against him harder still and kissed her with increased heat. His tongue teased hers; his hands slid along the outside of her thighs, under her skirt and slowly up to her hips.

  Teri wrapped her legs around him tighter to keep him from backing away. Letting her fingers fall away from caressing the back of his neck, she let them trail down his chest and abdomen slowly before grabbing his T-shirt and starting to pull it out of his tight jeans. Flynn didn’t protest, instead he gently fingered the waistband of her panties.

  “I want you,” Teri whispered, running her fingers across Flynn’s toned stomach muscles.

  “You already have me,” Flynn covered her mouth with his, stopping her reply.

  Teri pressed her breasts against him. “I want more. I want you inside me.”

  Flynn groaned in what sounded like frustration. He started kissing her neck, pulling her forward off the counter. Teri let her feet drop to the floor. Flynn wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her close and she put her arms around his neck again for balance. His other hand slipped inside her panties, and he gently tested the moistness between her legs. Teri was almost weak with anticipation. She felt the hard bulge in Flynn’s pants against her hip and knew he wanted this as much as she did.

  She moaned softly as Flynn slipped a finger inside her. He let his thumb rest on her clit and began to push deeper. A flutter across her stomach told Teri he’d found her G-Spot, and she gasped involuntarily. Flynn laughed softly and kissed her as he began to stimulate the sensitive place inside her.

  At first Teri succumbed to the growing urgency. The subtle pressure of his thumb on her clit complemented the finger rubbing inside her. Even his knuckles pulling her labia open was stimulating. In fact, the gentle rocking of his whole hand between her legs made her hot and breathless.

  She realized this wasn’t foreplay. Flynn made no move to undress her or release the power between his own legs.

  “Flynn, this isn’t what I meant. I —” Teri stopped as Flynn kissed her again.

  “I know. I’m ready to explode myself, but this is all I can give you at the moment, love.”

  Flynn’s whisper in her ear was strangled, pleading for her to understand. She didn’t. When Teri tried to reply, he pushed his finger in deeper, thrusting and brushing against the sensitive spot inside her and her clit as he partially withdrew. The renewed attention was more than Teri could withstand, she convulsed and cried out in released pleasure almost immediately.

  Teri’s legs quivered unsteadily after the orgasm drained her of all her strength. Flynn caught her in his arms, setting her once again on the counter and she leaned heavily on his shoulder.

  “That wasn’t fair,” Teri whispered, her eyes were closed and she felt weak.

  “I agree, but that’s the way it has to be. For now anyway.”

  “Why? Does this have something to do with Jess? We’ve been going out for a while and saw each other a lot before that. I know you want this.”

  “I do. God, you have no idea how much I want this. What I want to do to you. It’s not Jess, it’s . . . I’m just taking it slow.”

  “There’s slow as in cautious and then there’s slow as in glaciers. One I can appreciate, the other not so much.”

  Flynn laughed. “Understood. Stop teasing for now, love, because this is all you’re going to get.”

  “That really doesn’t explain why.” Teri sat upright and looked at Flynn’s face. He wanted to tell her something, indecision was written all over him. He shook his head, apparently realizing she was trying to read his mind. Like it would do any good, it’d probably just get her turned on again.

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “Another time. For now, I would dearly love to take you into my arms and make love to you, and only a very compelling reason is stopping me. Please, just trust me, love. And maybe not tease.”

  “I wasn’t teasing.”

  “I know.”

  • • •

  Teri had trouble sleeping that night. Her desire for Flynn kept her semi-aroused, and repeated memories of his hands on her body kept pushing her too far to settle down. It wasn’t fair. He wanted it, she wanted it, he was holding out. For what? Everything she knew about Flynn indicated this wasn’t normal behavior, and it was hard on him by his own admission. She considered a strip tease the next time the kids were out of the house, see if he could refuse her then.

  Why wait? Teri got out of bed and halfway to the closet before she considered waking him at three in the morning might not be the best idea. She returned to bed, still half considering the idea. There was that charcoal trench coat in the closet that she could wear over lingerie. Ring his doorbell, flash him, have her way with him.

  The front door opened, prompting Teri to hurry downstairs. Flipping on the light switch for the living room, she caught Jess sneaking through the dining room to the kitchen in the half-light. He turned to face her, eyes wide and a guilty look on his face.

  “Hi,” Jess smiled. He was damp, evidence that it was raining again. The guilty expression on his face wasn’t from tracking wet footprints across her floor.

  “What are you doing?” Teri asked, leaning against the wall.

  “Getting a glass of water to take to bed.” He tried to put an innocent look on his face, Teri wasn’t buying it. Jess was almost as much her son as Dev was. She knew him better than his own mother.

  “Right. Are you just getting home? Jess, it’s three.”

  “Yeah, I would have just slept over, but Trina’s got a new roommate.”

  Teri shook her head, not understanding why a new roommate was a problem. Trina’s old roommate didn’t stop Jess from sleeping over.

  “Not that I’m tickled you’re starting the casual relationships again, but —”

  “I used to date the new roommate, Teri,” Jess said quietly. “Trina’s not thrilled with the revelation.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry, Jess,” Teri reached out and let a hand rub his back to comfort him.

  “It’s fine. Trina’s kicking out the new roommate.” Jess turned to go downstairs. Teri couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t been dating Trina long, and Jess’s reputation suggested he wouldn’t keep her long term, but she chose to get rid of the roommate over Jess. Amazing.

  Flynn used to be Jess, Teri remembered and suddenly she could almost see the reasoning. Shaking her head, she went back upstairs to bed.

  Teri woke early after only a couple of hours of sleep. Flynn was on her mind almost immediately and the idea of surprising him with a trench coat came to mind again. No, something more feminine. And not a strip tease, she doubted she could pull it off. Turning the tables on him was definitely in order though.

  By seven-thirty Teri stood outside Flynn’s door. She stood straight, composing herself and trying to get her heartbeat back to a normal pace. Whether it raced due to fear or excitement over what she was going to do, she didn’t know, only that she was about to hyperventilate. Running a hand down to smooth her white eyelet sundress, Teri rang the doorbell before she could chicken out.

  Flynn opened the door and surprise filled his face. He’d be more surprised if she’d gone with her original idea of a trench coat and flash him. Maybe another time, she decided and held up a bag of fresh bagels.

  “I brought breakfast.”

  “Breakfast?” Flynn backed away from the door and Teri walked in.

  “Bagels. I thought maybe here so we won’t be interrupted,” Teri said. Flynn had his jeans on, tight jeans, but was still holding a shirt in his hand. She ran her fingers softly across his chest, letting the curls of hair tickle her palm. “Do you always answer the door shirtless? It could give a girl ideas.”

  “No teasing,” Flynn growled and closed the door.
  “Hmmm, yes, you mentioned that before.” Teri carried the bagels to his small kitchen and set them on the counter. “Hungry?”

  “Actually I had a light breakfast earlier.”

  “How odd, so did I.”

  “So the bagels are a ruse.”

  “I wanted to talk to you.” Teri left the kitchen and walked into the living room. Flynn followed.

  “Just talk?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk you about. I stayed up last night thinking about yesterday’s not-quite-an-explanation. On one hand, I trust you’re doing what you think is best. On the other hand I’m not sure I’m okay with this arrangement.” Teri sat in the middle of the couch and patted the space beside her.

  Flynn sat down beside her in defeat.

  “All right, listen,” Flynn paused as Teri slid onto his lap, put one arm across his shoulders, and laid her other hand on his chest.

  “I’m listening,” Teri prompted when Flynn hesitated. She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest.

  “You didn’t used to listen like this.”

  “You didn’t used to wander around shirtless.”

  “And if I had?”

  Teri gently pinched one of Flynn’s nipples, then teased it more until he closed his eyes and moaned. Leaning over as if to put her head on his shoulder, she pulled his ear lobe between her lips and sucked in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Flynn’s sharp intake of breath indicated her actions were having the desired effect.

  He turned his head and kissed her. With an arm behind her back, he leaned her back on the sofa and let his free hand wander up to knead her firm breast. Teri let one leg slide up and wrap around him, leaving him positioned between her open legs with only a few articles of clothing between them. Flynn pressed against her, his lips working with hers, drinking her in. She let her fingers lightly scratch his back and he broke the kiss with a low groan

  “Teri, I can’t.” Flynn stopped and sat up, running one hand through his hair absentmindedly.

  Teri stood up and took Flynn’s free hand. “I know.” She led him away from the sofa to the wall and backed Flynn against it. “Yesterday I got you all hot and bothered like this, and told you I wanted you inside of me. You knew what I meant, and deliberately misinterpreted it.”

  “Revenge is beneath you, love.”

  “Oh, honey, this isn’t revenge. Yesterday was wonderful, but a little one-sided.”

  Flynn looked at her in disbelief as she started slowly unfastening the buttons of his fly.

  “I understand that when men get hard like this . . .” She slid Flynn’s jeans down slightly and cupped the bulge in his briefs gently. Flynn’s mouth fell open.

  “It can be painful if nothing’s done about it.” Teri slid his jeans down more, and started caressing Flynn’s erection through his briefs.

  “Teri, I’m not —”

  “Shhh.” She put a finger over his lips. “You are, for some reason known only to yourself, strangely reluctant to finish what I started. It seems a bit out of character, but it’s unfair too. I want you inside me again. Be patient though, I’ve never done this before.”

  Teri knelt quickly and pulled down Flynn’s briefs. Before he could fully work through the shock, she grabbed his stiff and swollen penis and kissed the tip gently.

  • • •

  Flynn gasped as Teri touched him, and the part of his mind that could still think swam through the molasses of sensation Teri inflicted on him. His primal side wanted this, and he had to fight the urge to push her to the floor and ravage her, thrusting himself into the hot, wet lips between her legs. He was still pushing that urge aside, forcing it to the back of his mind when Teri’s lips parted and she eased the head of his penis into her mouth.

  It was warm and moist, Flynn moaned and braced himself against the wall behind him. He felt her tongue cradling him underneath as she took him in deeper, and the roof of her mouth teased the top of his head.

  “Oh, God,” Flynn whispered. “Teri, you can’t do this.”

  She wasn’t listening. Already he felt her lips sliding back along his shaft as she pulled away, then pushed forward again. A glancing brush of her teeth along the top made him shudder, but Flynn was too far enthralled for it to make a difference. The back of her throat touched his head, and he felt Teri gag slightly before she pulled away again.

  Flynn let his hands reach forward, intent on pushing her away before he came. Teri caught his hands in hers and pushed them back against the wall. He glanced down, briefly watching her dark head move. It was too much, he was going to come.

  “Teri . . .”

  She moved her hands to push low on his abdomen to hold him to the wall. The shift pushed Flynn over the edge and he came, jerking slightly as waves of the orgasm washed over him.

  Time stood still for Flynn. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall as if it were the only thing holding him up. He didn’t remember Teri pulling up his briefs and jeans, the feel of her hands crawling up his stomach and chest brought Flynn back to the present. He wrapped his arms around Teri as her lips found his.

  Satiated only for the moment, Flynn’s hunger for Teri still burned inside him. His hands slid down to her thighs, and Flynn lifted Teri off her feet, her legs wrapping around him as he supported her weight. Feeling her pressed against him so tightly, Flynn carried her to the bedroom. He lay Teri on the bed and let his body rest on hers, her thighs still cradling his hips.

  Teri’s kisses were slightly salty, but Flynn ignored it; it didn’t bother him beyond missing her own unique flavor. Her breathing was rapid and heavy, evidence of her own excitement. Flynn pulled her hips to him, letting her feel the bulge in his pants that didn’t completely leave. He couldn’t get as hard as he was before Teri’s blow job just yet, but it wouldn’t take too much longer of this to make a decent go of it.

  Teri moaned when Flynn shifted his attention to her neck, then started unbuttoning the bodice of her dress. Her bra had only a single clasp in the front, for which he was grateful, and he exposed her breasts only briefly before taking one hard nipple into his mouth. Arching to encourage the attention Flynn was giving her breasts, Teri ground her pelvis against him. It was a wake up call for Flynn and he realized what he was doing.

  “Oh, God, I’m not going to make it,” Flynn moaned, rolling off her.

  “Neither am I.” Teri sounded out of breath. “Tell me why we’re doing this; or, more specifically, why we’re not doing this.”

  He turned to look at her, seeing she was flushed. He also noticed the way her breasts were rising and falling with every labored breath she took. Flynn reached over and closed her bodice.

  “You don’t like it that Jess is sexually active,” Flynn whispered.

  “I thought this wasn’t about Jess.”

  “It’s not. But it’s true, isn’t it? Why?”

  Teri didn’t answer.

  “Because you told the kids you’d prefer they didn’t. You raised Cassie and Dev on abstinence.”

  “But I’m not following my own rule. Dev threw a tantrum when he . . .” Teri didn’t finish, apparently unwilling to mention her former lover.

  “When he caught you and Paul. I know,” Flynn finished for her.


  “Dev told me. Not about the tantrum of course, just about the surprise of finding Paul sleeping over before he moved in.”

  Flynn wasn’t sure if Teri was on the brink of tears or screaming. Either was undesirable so he propped himself up on one arm to look at her and softly stroked her cheek.

  “He asked me not to sleep with you. He’s convinced breaking your own rule would have a negative emotional impact, and I can’t conclusively disagree. You want this, but I can easily see you berating yourself for it also.”

  Flynn waited and watched Teri process this information. He suppressed the desire to comment further as confusion, anger, and outrage battled for control of her.

  “When did you talk to Dev?” Teri finally asked. Flyn
n still wasn’t sure which emotion won the war.

  “The morning before we went out. I pulled him aside to give him a heads-up. I didn’t want him to be the last to know, and I’m glad I did. Not that I was thrilled with what he had to say, mind you.”

  “So you’re pushing me away because of my son?”

  “I’m not pushing you away, I’m taking it slow. If he’s wrong, fine. Convince me.” Flynn slid his free arm around Teri’s waist and pulled her against him. She was limp in his arms, and he knew he was in dangerous waters. He kissed her, softly at first, then turned up the heat. Teri lifted a leg to wrap around Flynn, drawing him closer. He started to feel the familiar warmth stirring inside him and ended the kisses before it grew worse.

  “No, really, convince me. I’d love it if he’s wrong, but I don’t think he is.”

  “I’m not the same woman I was before Paul.”

  “I’ll accept that. Tell me you didn’t berate yourself for sleeping with Paul though. Even once.”

  “I’ve changed.”

  “And the kids?”

  “This isn’t about them.”

  “That was weak. Dev might not pick up on it if I strip your dress off and make passionate love to you today, but he’s the only one who wouldn’t notice a change between us. We might already have gone too far. It isn’t about them, you’re right. Even Jess can’t imagine we’ve rushed into anything, but this isn’t the message you’ve been sending for years now. Paul was an exception, there were extenuating circumstances. I’m not Paul, there’s no reason I can’t marry you. Now that the subject’s come up, I’d like to put it on the table for consideration at a later date.”

  “It’s only been —”

  “A month, or seven depending how you count it, hence the reason it’s tabled for a later date. Teri, I love you. I’m serious about doing this right, and waiting seems like the right thing to do.”

  • • •

  “He’s listening to the advice of a sixteen-year-old, Nicholas! A sixteen-year-old without any relationship experience at that,” Teri fumed, pacing in Nicholas’s office later. “How am I supposed to respond to that?” she demanded.