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Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Page 2

  After the division of assets was handled and the wording of the reading finalized, Paul and Kyle went about arranging moral support. Kyle had specific instructions and allowances to disclose some terms of the will prior to the official reading. Paul’s former mistress, Kayley, was aware of how everything would play out and agreed to be supportive of Teri. That Kayley and Teri were friends was a surprise and a relief when Kyle approached her.

  Kyle met with Flynn Peterson as well and was satisfied he knew his part in the little drama that was about to unfold. Paul hinted at an additional informal agreement with Flynn, and Tim confirmed it yesterday. It didn’t impact Kyle’s part so he didn’t pry, but found it interesting the lengths Paul went to in order to make everything go smoothly. Where it was supposed to anyway.

  He stood as Sara Lovett arrived, her blond hair pulled back into an elegant twist and wearing the traditional black of a widow. Blaine, Olivia and Chad followed her into the room. Walking around the desk, Kyle shook their hands in turn and gestured where they were to sit.

  “Paul was specific,” Kyle answered her questioning gaze, and Sara sat in her assigned chair without a fuss. Following their mother’s cue, her children took the seats Kyle indicated as well.

  Kyle’s office was large as befitted a senior partner. The wall behind his desk was made entirely of glass, and he had rich mahogany paneling and bookshelves covering the remainder of the room. Normally there were four comfortable overstuffed chairs in the room but they traded them for fourteen matching chairs from the conference rooms, making it cozy even for his spacious office. Three chairs were positioned in front of Kyle’s desk, Sara would be on the left as he read the will, with Teri on the right and Kayley in the middle as a buffer.

  Sara’s children were to her right, and Teri would have her two children to her left. To that point everything was fairly normal. Flynn’s placement beside Dev to Teri’s far left was a breach of etiquette, but Paul wouldn’t budge on it when Kyle tried to talk him out of it.

  Behind the women would be Teri’s friend and sometimes photography assistant, Nicholas Daley, with the other four teens Teri considered to be practically her own. Kyle knew that they were at Teri’s house more often than not, but still disliked Paul’s decision to use them this way. Not that they or their parents would complain.

  Also unusual was Tim’s location to Kyle’s right. Tim was actually inheriting, although he seemed somewhat surprised when Kyle told him earlier. His presence today was not so much as a recipient as an enforcer. Paul expected trouble. Kyle hoped he was watching this from wherever he was. Someone should enjoy today’s proceedings.

  Kyle sat on the edge of his desk and waited. Flynn arrived next and Olivia stood in surprise as he walked in. Kyle indicated his seat and Flynn sat with only a small nod to Olivia. Sara pulled Olivia back into her seat with a frown and turned her attention to Kyle. He was expecting this, so he intentionally wasn’t looking at her to discourage her inevitable questioning stare.

  Kayley came in next. Her arrival was planned to be after Sara and before Teri and she was simply waiting in another office for her cue. She knew where she was sitting, but allowed Kyle to show her to her chair nonetheless. He was grateful she was willing to play along and briefly reconsidered his previous assessment of her. Kyle didn’t like Kayley when she was Paul’s mistress, but when he spoke to her the day before yesterday, he got the impression that she was happy for Paul. There wasn’t any bitterness that she’d been replaced even before Kyle told her how well Paul provided for her in his will. He suspected she already knew Paul would take good care of her because she was only slightly surprised.

  Kayley’s willingness to play her part extended to her wardrobe, Kyle saw. Leaving her golden hair down in luscious curls, Kayley wore black as well, but much less conservatively than Sara did. Sara was a handsome woman and held herself well, Kayley was simply gorgeous. The kind of face and figure that gave other women a hit to their own self esteem, and she was aiming for Sara.

  Sara shifted slightly in her chair to put her back to Kayley as the model took her place. Kayley mirrored the action and gave Kyle a slight smile and playful wink. Kyle fought back a smile of his own. Let the games begin.

  Turning his attention to the door, he took a breath as Tim arrived with Teri, Nicholas, and the kids. Like Kayley, Tim arrived earlier and kept Teri’s group in another office until it was time. Paul did what he could in his instructions to make this go easier on Teri, and Tim was determined to insulate her from Sara’s hostility as much as possible.

  Tim already knew the seating arrangement and directed Nicholas and the kids as he passed Teri off to Kyle. Teri gave Flynn a curious look but didn’t say anything. Dev and Cassie hadn’t met Flynn and Kyle noted a mix of awe and confusion in their faces as Tim sat them beside him.

  Kayley reached out and gave Teri’s hand a squeeze as she sat, almost sending Teri into tears. A slight nod from Kayley drew Teri’s attention to Sara on her other side. Unlike Sara and Kayley, Teri wore a simple, unassuming suit. Sara looked at her, a smug expression on her cold face, and Teri seemed to draw on some reserve of strength as she straightened herself in her chair.

  Kyle returned to his seat behind his desk, but waited to sit until Tim closed the door and found his place beside him. Kyle suspected Tim sat only so his presence would be more noticeable when he stood again later.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, now that you’re all here, I will commence with the official reading of the Last Will and Testament of Paul Andrew Lovett.” Kyle proceeded with the usual preamble from memory as he gauged the reaction of the people in front of him.

  Cassie cried and, being one of the youngest women in the room, he expected that. Kayley and Teri were struggling to hold it together, again he expected it. Sarah and her brood held polite, emotionless expressions. He’d hoped for something from Olivia, although Paul assured him his children truly despised him by now, but her face was as stony as her mother’s.

  Teri’s son looked disturbed. Dev clenched his teeth, his hands in tight fists, and stared out the window behind Tim with grim determination. Paul mentioned he and Dev didn’t hit it off. He expressed concern about how the fifteen year old would handle the proceedings.

  Beside Dev, Flynn Peterson quietly looked over the room as well. Kyle suspected Tim was doing the same. Nicholas Daley and Teri’s unofficial children displayed varying degrees of grief. Nicholas had an arm around Tiffany, who sniffled and fought back tears. Kenny looked miserable and sat quietly between Jess and Bryan, who looked unhappy and uncomfortable. Kyle only met Teri’s kids and their friends once, but he felt better about the will when he saw they cared more about Paul’s passing than his own children did.

  “And now I will disclose the division of assets. At the time Paul Lovett passed, his estimated worth, including stocks physical assets, totaled four hundred and thirty eight million dollars.”

  Sara shifted slightly in her seat and Kyle’s eyes flickered to her briefly.

  “Two hundred and sixty million of that amount will be dispensed to various trusts and organizations which will be made available to you upon request but I will not list at this time, with two exceptions. A specific trust will be administered by Flynn Peterson and will be used for the development of the music group known as A Thousand Words.”

  Kyle permitted himself a small smile as the boys started whispering among themselves. Nicholas got them settled and he continued.

  “Mr. Peterson and Mr. Lovett spoke regarding this arrangement already and Mr. Peterson is awarded two million dollars for his service. It was Mr. Lovett’s desire to prepare the group and produce their first album.” Kyle paused again as Nicholas quieted the low murmurs at the back of the room. He pulled out an envelope and handed it to Flynn.

  “Mr. Peterson, you already know what’s in there. Considering the distraction, would you mind if I let you give the boys the details later?”

  “Of course,” Flynn nodded.

  “Stay put if you will,
” Kyle reminded him and turned back to the will.

  “The other trust is for Lexi Frost,” Kyle wasn’t disappointed as Sara turned and looked around the room. “She’s a photographer, Sara. Kayley met her and Mr. Daley is here as her representative. Teri knows who she is.” He let Sara settle down before continuing. Kyle specifically failed to mention Lexi Frost was Teri’s pseudonym for her work — erotic photography. Paul was adamant that information not be disclosed publicly.

  “To Lexi Frost, Paul left the deed to a small cottage in Vermont, estimated value of just under one million, and —”

  “To a photographer?” Sara interrupted.

  “He was very impressed with her. I mean her work,” Kayley told her helpfully. “She took pictures of me. I could show you sometime.”

  “So he slept with her,” Sara replied with a small sneer.

  “Yes.” Kayley turned her back to Sara and winked to Teri. Teri took Kayley’s hand as Kyle cleared his throat to continue.

  “And a trust to be administered by Nicholas Daley. He sincerely hopes she will continue her original hobby and interest even if she chooses to retire. Nicholas Daley will receive a sum of two million to administer the trust.”

  “Now for the children. To Blaine, Olivia, and Chad Lovett; I leave a sum of five million each. To Cassandra and Devin Giles I also leave five million each.”

  “What? They aren’t even his kids!” Sara stood in outrage.

  Kyle sighed. “I had hoped you would let that slide. Sit down, Sara. Paul has an addendum that I am to read in this eventuality.”

  He flipped to another page. Tim stood and Sara took her seat in response. Paul knew she’d say that, and in truth he did too, but he still hoped she wouldn’t make him go down this path.

  “This is a message to Blaine, Olivia, and Chad. I regret that we weren’t close in my final days as I’d always hoped that as you matured you would start to see something of the truth behind the relationship between me and your mother.”

  “You can’t,” Sara whispered.

  “I don’t have a choice, Sara. It’s not as bad as it could be,” Kyle assured her before continuing. “It was the desire to open your eyes that compelled me to pay your allowances personally. I knew you were unhappy with the arrangement, but I hoped in time you would understand.

  “The difficulties between Sara and I aren’t important and had nothing to do with you. I did remain married to her because of the three of you. I tried to divorce your mother several times, offering her more than generous terms, but she refused. I would have sued for divorce, however, before I proceeded, your paternity was officially brought to my attention.

  “While I knew most of your lives that I was not your biological father, I loved you and allowed Sara to continue the masquerade to protect you. If I divorced Sara, she vowed to make this information public. While I wasn’t concerned about the impact on me, it would have destroyed the careers of the three men who did father you, and the impact on each of you could have been devastating. You’re adults now and capable of understanding these things. Sara no longer has any hold over me and, as of now, has no unknown weapon against any of you either.” Kyle set aside the will, took out three new envelopes and handed them to Sara’s stunned children.

  “Those letters say much the same thing. Paul tried to arrange to meet with each of you to tell you in person, but you refused to meet with him early and . . . he didn’t want to tell you this way,” Kyle faltered. “This was more to put Sara in her place than to be hard on the three of you. Paul also wanted me to mention that if any of you want to know the identity of your biological fathers, Tim or I can arrange a meeting.”

  Kyle picked up the paper again and continued. “Because Paul wasn’t able to divorce Sara, he wasn’t able to marry Teri. So, while Cassandra and Devin are not his children in a legal sense, he didn’t hold that against them. At the time of his death, Paul considered Teri to be his life partner, if not his actual wife. Therefore, he took responsibility for her children as his own, hence the equal distribution of the inheritance. This sum is in addition to trust funds established for the children previously.”

  Kyle looked at Dev and Cassie, they looked almost like twins with matching wide eyes and mouths open slightly in surprise. “I don’t know if you two are aware, but Paul established trusts for both of you awhile ago.” They shook their heads that they didn’t and remained quiet. Kyle smiled briefly. He always felt warm inside when good things happened to good people.

  “Continuing on, Paul left two million each to Jessan Baxter, Kenneth Wright, Bryan Trino, and Tiffany Caster with the understanding chores will be done and you’ll fix dinner every now and again.” The kids laughed and Teri smiled despite herself.

  “Tim DeLaney’s service to Paul has not ended with his passing, and he will continue to draw a salary as he administers his affairs and trusts. In addition, Paul has left Tim a sum of fifteen million dollars with gratitude for his dedication and his friendship.”

  “That’s more than his children!” Sara protested.

  “Tim does more than his children, and I would have thought you’d learned your lesson against arguing by now.” Kyle held her eyes with the impassive face he used in the courtroom.

  “To Kayley Goldstein, Paul left the deed to her apartment, various pieces of art, jewelry, and other items of value with an estimated worth of six and a half million in addition to fifteen million dollars.” Sara turned her back on Kayley again.

  “I’m going to read this last part verbatim. To Sara Lovett, my wife of sixteen years when I asked for a divorce, I leave the house in Phoenix, an estimated value of one and a half million dollars, and a sum of two million dollars.” Sara stood, but Kyle continued. “To Teri Giles, I leave my heart and the balance of my worldly possessions. At this time, that’s an estimated one hundred million dollars.”

  • • •

  Kyle sat back to wait. Arguments against the division of assets were thrown about on his left and Teri progressed from stunned silence to tears in front of him. Tim stood and pulled Teri to her feet. Before she got settled crying on his shoulder, he passed her to Flynn. Kayley rose to help comfort Teri, and Tim took up position to keep Sara on her side of the room.

  Kyle’s attention turned back to Sara, now standing at his desk.

  “Sara, I understand this is a shock,” Kyle began.

  “I am his wife. He won’t —”

  Kyle held up a hand to stop her. “I strongly recommend you do not say or imply that you will contest this will. Paul left specific instructions if you do. Also consider that I am very good at my job, Sara, as are the other attorneys who reviewed this document. The reading was simplified because I’m the only lawyer in the room. But this document, when taken in its entirety, will stand up in any court. I made sure of it.”

  She glared at him, shaking her head in denial of what she was hearing.

  “Cut your losses, Sara. Paul asked for a divorce, you should have granted him one.”

  “Arizona is a community property state.”

  “This isn’t Arizona and this isn’t a divorce. What’s more, I have the paternity results on the kids. Even Blaine isn’t his and he was born something like thirteen months after you were married. You couldn’t stay faithful for four months? Paul wasn’t even traveling then.”

  “He was always at work, and he had affairs too.”

  “He was at work, providing for you. That will come up in court. Many of the people close to him back then were with him until the end. I have signed affidavits that he wasn’t having affairs yet when Blaine was born. Never in Arizona actually. Most of them went into detail about how good a husband they perceived him to be. His affairs didn’t start until he started traveling, by then yours were well known and documented.

  “Your claim to his estate will never hold up and you’ll embarrass yourself if you try. I’m not the only one good at my job, Tim is as well. He’s been collecting documentation and building a case against you since Blaine was
four. Paul didn’t know, but Tim showed me what he has. I wouldn’t try anything, Sara.”

  Kyle let that sink in for a moment and returned his attention to Teri. Flynn had moved Teri to the sidelines and held her gently. She was still crying, but seemed to be trying to pull herself together. Kayley rubbed her back, handed her tissues, and collected the used ones. Kyle took the wastepaper basket by his desk over to let Kayley dispose of the tissues in it. Then he set it down against the wall by Flynn so it would be convenient.

  “Kyle?” Teri whispered as he started to turn away. He turned back to her. He knew what was coming.

  “I don’t want to deal with Sara. Just give her the money.”

  Kyle smiled softly and held up a finger to indicate she should wait. Returning to his desk, Kyle flipped through the will and cleared his throat. He waited until the room fell silent.

  “Teri, Paul left instructions regarding gifting funds to Sara or her children: he specifically forbade it. I’m sorry, you can’t give Sara a dime.” He turned to judge her reaction.

  She slumped against Flynn and glanced at Sara across the room. Kyle didn’t have to look to know Sara was giving her a hateful glare.

  “Or what?” Teri asked, looking back to Kyle.

  Kyle couldn’t help it, he laughed. Paul said she’d probably call him on it, but Kyle had seen too many will readings gone wrong. Between emotions running high and simple shock, he doubted Teri would think to ask how Paul could enforce the request.

  “He said he’ll never forgive you.”

  “That’s it?” Sara demanded.

  “It’s enough,” Teri whispered.

  Sara turned to face her, Kyle wasn’t sure if she was going to try threats or pity as a ploy to get the money Teri was willing to sign over only moments before. Indecision was written across Sara’s face, apparently she was still trying to size Teri up and decide as well.