Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Page 25
She ran off before Teri could question it and Flynn watched her go with amusement in his eyes.
“What was that about? Give us time alone? What have you been talking about?” she demanded. Flynn said he’d be on board with this, but this little interaction made her nervous.
Flynn didn’t answer immediately. He finished dishing a plate for Teri, set it down in front of her, and walked around to take Sophie’s seat.
“She asked if she was in the way. I told her she wasn’t, but she persisted and said there was something wrong between us.”
Teri caught her breath. “Flynn —”
“Relax. I distracted her. I shouldn’t have risked it last night anyway. It was a gamble and I knew better.” Flynn leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
Tears welled in Teri’s eyes. Sophie was fragile right now.
“I won’t make you choose, Teri. Sophie comes first. Children always come first, I know that,” Flynn continued, interrupting her breakdown. “Now, keeping that in mind, this sexual tension between us is ridiculous.”
Teri flushed and started to protest but Flynn held up a hand to stop her. She glanced back over her shoulder to make sure Sophie wasn’t in earshot.
“I’m keeping an eye out. This whole thing, the way I proposed, last night, nothing about this weekend has gone right. Don’t make a face, it’s not your fault or Sophie’s either. I like her, I was willing to do this for you because you wanted this — adopting her, but I really do like her. I want to do this. But there are some details we need to sort out.”
“Now isn’t —”
“Now is,” he said firmly. “For today’s itinerary: you call the girls and invite them over. Introduce Sophie, explain things, talk them into babysitting tonight. I’m going by Kyle’s office, sign some papers, get a hotel room. If those clothes fit, I’ll pick up something else for Sophie, she deserves to play flower girl. We’ll have an unromantic elopement at city hall, but it’ll be done. That should make Kyle’s job a little easier.”
“But she just got here, we can’t —”
“Teri, I get it. Sophie will be fine getting to know her new sisters for one night. I suppressed the urge to ravage you for months. I traded a reasonably romantic proposal for a hurried whispered discussion because there was a cop and public servant in the other room. I was always okay with eloping if that’s what you wanted.” Flynn stood up and slipped behind Teri, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck. “I’ll postpone the honeymoon, but I’m not giving up our wedding night.”
“Oh!” Sophie’s reappearance made Teri turn quickly, blushing and speechless. Sophie looked startled and embarrassed to catch Flynn holding Teri closely, but Flynn merely relaxed his hold slightly and smiled at her.
“That dress is perfect. Spin around,” he said smoothly as Teri fought to catch her breath again. Sophie obediently turned, a pale pink sundress with sunflowers embroidered randomly over the crisp linen accented her golden curls beautifully.
“So if I’m wearing pink, does that mean I’m a princess?” she asked Flynn.
“A definite step in that direction. Of course you have a limited wardrobe. Tomorrow maybe we’ll take you shopping for real and let you pick and choose as you like.”
“Today is booked.” Flynn turned to Teri. “Finish your breakfast and call Cassie. I’ll head out and be back as soon as I can.”
Teri simply looked at him, then Sophie, indecisive. Flynn leaned over and whispered to her. “You need this too, love. I could detail everything I want to do to you, but you’d turn a pink several shades darker than Sophie’s dress before you realized we need a night without interruption. She’ll be fine.”
Teri felt the blood rushing to her face and quickly turned back to her breakfast with a curt nod.
Flynn stood silently behind her for a moment, then Teri heard him dialing.
“Tiff? How was your first night in the big city?”
He laughed and Teri turned to face him.
“Not a bad start, but Teri beat you. Grab Cassie and come on over . . . No, not telling, but pack for a sleepover and wear or bring something nice . . . Dresses . . . That’ll work. See you in awhile.”
He turned to Teri. “There, now all you have to do is wait. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“What about the boys?”
“Oh, I should mention Dev broke his shoulder, I didn’t want to tell you last night in front of the witnesses we had. He’s fine. Jess fell off the sofa and has a concussion, but he’s fine too. See? Even with adult supervision, boys will be boys. And little fiascos like that can alleviate any guilt you might have about them not being here. I doubt they’re interested anyway. Dev already knew I was proposing, we discussed it a few days ago. You can call and tell them the rest of the big news if you like, or I’ll fly back and bring them out tomorrow or the next day and tell them then. It’s up to you.”
“Dev broke his shoulder? How? Why didn’t you tell me after everyone left?”
“Other things on both our minds. He did it skateboarding. Don’t get all agitated about it, please. He hates it that you worry.”
“And this is why!”
“Dev skateboards? Like Tommy?” Sophie asked, her big blue eyes kept Teri from arguing with Flynn about Dev’s chosen sport or that he was too easy on the boys.
Flynn took the distraction and slipped out with just a wave goodbye, leaving Teri to try to answer Sophie’s questions despite not having seen Dev on a skateboard in nearly three years.
• • •
Teri waited until Cassie and Tiffany arrived and were spending time gossiping with Sophie before calling home to check on the boys. That the girls would embrace the idea of Teri adopting Sophie was never a concern, but Teri wasn’t sure how Dev was going to take it. She let him report on the various injuries and activities before mentioning it.
“Dev, baby —”
“Mom, don’t call me that.”
“Actually, I probably won’t be able to much longer,” Teri conceded.
“I’m sixteen, you should have stopped a long time ago.”
“It’s not that, honey. You’re my baby. You always will be, but you might not be the youngest in the family for much longer.”
“Why? Are you pregnant? Flynn proposed right? Wait! He promised he wouldn’t . . . I mean you can’t be.”
“I’m not, he did, we didn’t, and you had no right to interfere in that particular subject!” Teri snapped harsher than she intended. She took a breath and tried again. “What I’m getting at, honey, is . . . Dev? Are you there?”
“Teri?” Nicholas asked. “Dev just tossed the phone to me and ran off. What’s going on?”
Teri sighed and told Nicholas her news, then received his assurances everyone was fine. Dev apparently retreated to his room and wasn’t answering Kenny’s knocking. Teri didn’t want to think about what mischief he was up to, but decided to let him calm down for now. The only child unaccounted for at the moment was Bryan, who eloped and was off somewhere with Brenda. Teri was suspicious of the suddenness of it as well as the timing, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it from New York. Or at all probably, they were eighteen.
By the time Flynn returned, again with several bags in each hand, Teri had exchanged her unease about the situation in Seattle for concern about the whispers and giggling coming from Sophie’s room.
Sophie bounded from her room as soon as she heard the door open and gave Flynn a hug despite his hands being full. Teri took the bags from him so he could return Sophie’s affection, with tickles for good measure.
“What is all this?” Teri looked at what appeared to be a designer dry cleaner’s bag.
“Dresses. There’s one for you in there, go try it on. I spoke to Tim, who called in a favor and we won’t be going to City Hall after all.”
“Tim’s arranging this?” Teri hesitated, feeling this was somehow a conflict of interest for him.
“Yes. Ther
e’s a private dining room being held at one of the clubs, we’re meeting him in two hours. Go try on your dress.”
Teri took the hanging bag and retreated to the extra bedroom. On impulse, she stayed near the door and undressed quietly so she could listen.
“Dev skateboards, like Tommy.” Sophie’s voice was high with excitement. Teri smiled as she imagined her face. Sophie lit up when she smiled.
“He’s pretty good at it too. I have no idea if he’s like Tommy. Here, try this on. Use my room.” Flynn told her, the crinkle of the bag let Teri know he was spoiling Sophie. It warmed Teri to think of it. Sophie deserved to be pampered a little, and she’d seen him with the boys enough to feel he’d be a good father.
“Do we get dresses too?” Cassie’s voice distracted Teri from unzipping the bag Flynn gave her.
“No, don’t know your sizes, sorry. Figured Sophie would be tickled to play flower girl.”
“Doesn’t she need flowers for that?”
“Tim’s bringing them. I do have accessories in here for you.”
Teri heard him digging in a bag. She finally opened the one in front of her and caught her breath at the layers of thin creamy fabric inside. It wasn’t a wedding dress, not really. Holding it up, Teri realized it was backless and a low v-neck front.
So no bra, Teri smiled. She was ready for that. She packed a slinky dress she’d planned on tempting Flynn with which didn’t allow for a bra either, so she had stick on breast supports to keep the girls in place. The fabric was thin, but lined so she doubted her nipples would show.
“Oh, we don’t get dresses but we get tiaras?” Tiffany joked outside the door. Teri almost laughed in relief considering the dress Flynn picked for her.
“Yeah, well, I figured you girls could have bonding time or something by matching.”
“That looks promising,” Cassie said.
“And expensive,” Tiffany agreed.
Teri stopped as she slipped into the dress. Expensive? She moved closer to the door as she fastened the halter-style bodice around her neck.
Looking in the mirror, Teri felt almost like Marilyn Monroe, only with longer, darker hair. The dress was similar to the famous white dress she wore. Layers of nearly sheer fabric clung to her hips and swirled delicately around her knees as she turned. It was flattering. Flynn was going to love it.
The silence in the living room got her attention. They were waiting for her. Taking a breath, she checked her appearance in the mirror again and walked out into the living room.
Cassie and Tiffany gave her low wolf whistles making Teri glad Sophie was still in the other room dressing. She shooed the girls away and faced Flynn.
Flynn circled around behind her and put his arms around her waist. “It doesn’t exactly scream wedding dress, but that’s hard to do on this time frame.”
“I suspect you got it because you think it’s sexy,” Teri teased as Flynn kissed her neck.
“It’s decent.” He kissed her neck again. “It needs accessories though.” Flynn held out a black leather case and opened it. A diamond and platinum necklace and matching earrings sparkled against the velvet background.
“Flynn! That must have cost a fortune.”
“A little extravagance every now and again won’t kill us. Besides, I can’t let you have a cheap wedding.”
“We’re eloping because of timing. Cost was never a factor.”
“Exactly, so quit fussing. Here, hold the case and I’ll put the necklace on you.”
Cassie jumped up and held the case and Teri pulled up her hair so Flynn could fasten the necklace around her neck. It draped over her collarbones heavily, the cold weight seemed heavier due to its high cost. She’d never worn anything so expensive and it both thrilled and frightened her. Replacing her earrings with diamonds that matched, she carefully stepped over to look at herself in the mirror near the front door. Despite her initial misgiving that the design of the dress wouldn’t allow for so bold a necklace, Teri decided that the overall effect actually worked.
Sophie bounced out of her room, twirling the pink silk and watching how it swayed around her.
“I love it!” Sophie exclaimed then saw Teri and stopped spinning. She grinned and gave Teri a thumbs-up.
“Right. I’ll throw on a suit. Teri, pack an overnight bag. Cassie, Tiff, put on your dresses and help Sophie with her hair, if you would.”
“Glad Mom’s dress isn’t formal because ours certainly aren’t,” Cassie said.
“At least yours is pink like Sophie’s, mine is blue,” Tiffany frowned.
“I’ll wear a blue tie then, you can match me,” Flynn called over his shoulder as he headed to the bedroom.
Teri was still looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her dark hair was longer now, with waves cascading down her back.
“Mom?” Cassie called as she started to follow Tiffany into the other bedroom. Lines of worry creased her forehead.
“It’s just sinking in that I’m getting married again.”
“Okay. You stand there and think about that. I’ll get dressed then pack your bag.” Cassie smiled.
Chapter Sixteen
The wedding was a blur for Teri. Tim and Kyle were there, Cassie and Tiffany cried, and Sophie kissed her goodbye. She felt like she woke up when Flynn lifted her off her feet and carried her over the threshold. He set her down gently and kissed her, softly, tenderly.
“Are you with me again?” Flynn whispered.
“Your eyes have been glassy for a couple of hours now, like you’ve been on autopilot.”
Teri stared at him, shocked.
“I don’t think the girls noticed. It was a big day, everything happened so quickly so I didn’t worry too much about it. But I’d like you back now.”
Teri reached up and kissed him, pressing her body against his. “I’m back.”
They resumed kissing, the intensity increasing now that they were alone. Flynn’s kisses passed merely passionate and edged toward desperation, his hands began to wander and he pulled her hips firmly against him. His kisses weren’t the only thing getting desperate.
Teri ground her pelvis against him, trusting him to hold her up as she leaned away only enough to start pushing off his suit coat. She barely made a start before Flynn shrugged it off, tossing it toward a nearby love seat.
Flynn booked an elegant suite and Teri wondered if they were going to make it to the bedroom or start on the area rug. Her fingers fumbled with Flynn’s tie and shirt buttons, but he wasn’t making much better progress with the necklace clasp and halter tie for her dress. Her hair kept getting in his way.
They were getting nowhere so Teri conceded control and held her hair up, turning in place to let him remove her necklace and untie the halter. As soon as that was done, she turned and started on his tie. Flynn’s hands took over unknotting his tie, leaving Teri’s fingers free to unbutton his shirt.
Finally his chest was exposed and Flynn fumbled with the tiny fasteners of her waistband. Teri removed her breast supports then reached back to help him. Stepping away, she let the dress fall to the floor at her feet. She didn’t wear stockings, so stepping out of her heels left Teri only in sheer lace panties. Flynn swept her off her feet again immediately, carrying her to the bedroom.
The duvet was already turned down, and Teri sat on the bed in front of Flynn, concentrating on unbuckling his belt. Her eyes kept focusing on the tightness of his slacks, and what she knew was impressive equipment inside. Teri’s fingers fumbled with the anticipation. Flynn’s hands appeared from nowhere, unfastening his slacks. He pushed them down, then his briefs followed.
Teri knew he was hard, seeing his penis flushed with color, pre-cum on the tip, made moist heat burn between her legs. She looked up to confirm Flynn was looking down at her, meeting her eyes with an intense seriousness Teri couldn’t decipher. It wasn’t merely desire, although that was definitely there, something else overshadowed it.
lynn slid a hand behind Teri’s head and gently guided her back onto the bed. She edged up toward the headboard, frantically pulling off her panties and tossing them aside. Flynn climbed onto the bed and hovered over her before finally letting his weight settle on her, his legs between hers, his mouth finding hers effortlessly. Their bodies fit together perfectly. Flynn’s weight held Teri firmly without crushing her. Teri abandoned caution as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Flynn kissed her deeper, letting his tongue glide along hers, like an intricate, erotic dance.
The invitation was issued and the tension mounted. Flynn’s penis rested against Teri’s open lips, his hips cradled between her thighs. His hands wandered: first caressing her neck and cheek, then wandering down to cup a breast and pinch first one nipple, then the other, toying with her mercilessly.
Teri was ready to scream when his hands found her waist and she was sure he was holding her, bracing her as he plunged into her for the first time.
But he didn’t.
“Flynn?” Teri asked, eyes reluctantly opening. His breathing was heavy as he kissed her neck. He was ready, she knew he was ready. He was holding back. And it was killing her.
Flynn kissed her in response, long and slow. A caress of their lips as much as a kiss, it was so soft and tender. Teri almost forgot her confusion. When the kiss ended, Flynn answered her though. Still face to face, so close she kept her eyes closed simply because she wouldn’t be able to focus on his face. His lips brushed hers as he whispered, his voice like a melody.
“We’ve wanted this for so long. I could take you now, the passion and intensity of desperation, or —”
“Flynn, I love you. I’m ready to scream. I want you. I want you now. I mean it, now.”
Teri could feel his lips move into a grin, hearing it in his voice was unnecessary.
“Hold tight, love.”
Flynn thrust into her hard and deep, penetrating all the way in one long, smooth movement.
“Oh, God!” Teri whispered as she arched her back in an effort to accommodate him. He filled her completely, and then he was pulling back again. Before Teri caught her breath, Flynn pushed into her seemingly deeper than before. How was that possible? She knew what he had, she’d held it in her hand, in her mouth, this felt like so much more. Teri gasped as Flynn drove home a third, fourth and fifth time, he was establishing a rhythm and her body picked up the pace, moving in time to meet his power drives into her. Her nails raked across his back and she clung to him. His breathing, ragged in her ear; her heart pounding; and his manhood possessing her absolutely, as if there were ever any possibility of her body belonging to anyone else. Never after this.