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Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Page 26
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Page 26
The orgasm caught her completely by surprise. Before she usually felt it building, felt the burst of energy like a bubble finally breaking after being stretched too far. This time it was like an explosion and she screamed. Flynn covered her mouth with his to muffle it as he went rigid, straining to push into her as deep as he could.
Her legs were locked in place around him, nothing could pry them apart, and she felt his buttocks tighten as he came as well. Teri felt the heat from his fluid inside her, it surprised her, she’d never actually felt that before.
Then Flynn was relaxing, kissing her, and she kissed him back. The kisses were as frenzied as before, but shorter with the need to breathe. Teri’s legs relaxed on their own from sheer exhaustion, she couldn’t have willed it if she’d tried. Making an effort to relax her arms, she settled for simply moving them slowly back up Flynn’s back. He winced slightly. As she relaxed further, Teri noticed she had blood under her nails.
“I scratched you.”
“I’ll live.” He kissed her, rolling onto his back and pulling Teri on top of him. “Did I break you?”
She shook her head. “I almost recommend pent-up frustration.”
Flynn laughed. “We can experiment. You don’t get to tease anymore.”
“Why? You’ll throw me on the bed and ravage me? That doesn’t sound like much of a threat.”
“Doesn’t it? Hmmm, maybe I should try that again then.”
Teri laughed, thinking Flynn was teasing. She wasn’t prepared for him to slide out from under her, out of the bed, and swing her around so she lay on her stomach with her feet on the floor. He slipped his hands under her thighs and pulled them apart, then pushed his stiff cock inside her again before she’d fully registered what he was doing.
Again, the depth to which he penetrated surprised Teri and she moaned. Flynn took it slower this time, but still pushed deep. He leaned forward over her so she could feel his muscular chest against her back, hear his heavy breathing and soft grunts each time he thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock inside of her. The animal intensity of it was new and arousing to Teri.
Flynn put his hands over hers, stretching her arms out over her head and holding them there. His body pinning hers, hands holding hers, legs keeping hers spread wide, everything was new to Teri. And the slow, deliberate pounding inside of her — she had no idea it could be like this.
The pressure inside Teri built slowly, but it was climbing higher and higher. Too high, too much pressure, she needed . . . she wasn’t sure what exactly, other than release.
Teri started searching for the words to express what she needed from her new husband, what she wanted him to do, but she didn’t know. Flynn seemed to sense it somehow.
Releasing her hands, Flynn paused his rhythmic thrusts and let his palms glide along her body. He stopped at her hips, holding them in place.
“I love you,” Flynn whispered, and he gently withdrew and eased back into her, deep and slow. She could have sworn she felt Flynn’s penis bottom out, reaching the end of the road, but somehow he kept on going. Then he was fully inside her, and Teri felt him grind his pelvis against her.
The extra movement and pressure pushed Teri too far. The orgasm exploded, tearing through her like a bolt of lightning and so strong she couldn’t even spare the energy to cry out. She couldn’t breathe. Teri saw lights dance in her vision before she finally gasped to get air into her lungs again.
Rolling her onto her back, Flynn lay beside her, touching and kissing her as their heart rates calmed.
“Well, my wife, have you learned your lesson about teasing?”
“No. You’ll have to show me again.”
• • •
When Flynn and Teri finally returned, it was to find Tim and Kyle waiting for them instead of the expected sugared up nine-year-old Teri expected.
“I sent the girls shopping with Kayley. Sophie’s wardrobe needed to be expanded,” Tim explained.
“A note would have sufficed,” Teri pointed out, eying the two of them apprehensively.
“It’s a delicate situation,” Kyle started. “Tim found Brandon Mayhew, and we’ve got him in a hotel cleaning up.”
“More accurate would be sobering up,” Tim said.
“Yes. I mentioned before we can’t offer him any compensation for signing over custody, but that may no longer be the problem.”
“Oh, no.” Teri dropped down in a chair.
Flynn sat on the arm of the chair and put a hand on her shoulder.
“McNally?” Flynn asked.
Kyle nodded.
“Yeah. I got the distinct impression she didn’t like me,” Flynn sighed.
“She’s petitioned for state custody to specifically preclude any parental rights of Brandon Mayhew citing child abandonment and endangerment.”
“But wasn’t that part of our case?” Teri leaned forward in concern. Flynn’s hand on her shoulder pulled her gently back into her chair.
“Yes, I was counting on it being my ace in the hole to make this a quick and simple matter. If she succeeds, she can keep this tied up in court for months. Meanwhile Sophie can’t leave and you’ll either have to divide your time between New York and Seattle or move Devin here for school.”
Flynn groaned.
“Flynn, you mentioned McNally indicated she didn’t like you. What did she say? Did the officer with her hear it?”
“I assume he did. She referenced my past marriages and that Teri and I can’t have been together long since I was only divorced about a year ago.”
“And this is information she simply knew off the top of her head?”
“Kyle, it’s not a secret. Tim can probably attest to how easy it is to gather information on me.”
“It’s true. There are any number of fan sites that do nothing but trade gossip and sightings of Flynn. If I went online now, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’d already leaked he was married,” Tim agreed.
“Check and see if it already leaked he’s trying to adopt a homeless girl in New York,” Kyle directed Tim. “Also, get Brandon Mayhew a job. Something plausible, something he can do. That he will do.”
“Something as a favor, but not in any way directly connected to Teri,” Tim nodded.
“Please.” Kyle turned his attention specifically to Teri. “We’re going to put Brandon Mayhew back in a position to care for his daughter. At that point, he has no need to sign over custody so the courts don’t have to be involved.”
“But —” Teri gasped, thoughts of losing Sophie swirled in her mind.
“Sophie might not accept him after he abandoned her. If he’s interested in his daughter’s happiness and welfare, he may choose to sign over custody even with improved circumstances,” Flynn answered her and Kyle nodded. “I don’t suppose you can find out if he’s a fan before you mention my name?”
“I’ll look into it.” Tim gave him a tight smile.
Teri leaned against Flynn, fighting back a panic. What if Brandon Mayhew wanted his daughter? What if Sophie forgave him?
“Don’t stress about it, love,” Flynn whispered in her ear.
“This is all still assuming that Mayhew wants to rejoin productive society, and McNally’s motion isn’t carried. If it is, we might have to go the traditional route. McNally’s clearly obsessed with Flynn, negatively it appears. Anyone may be able to find that information she spouted on the net, but she didn’t know she was meeting him. She already knew all the negative points about Flynn. She’s also proposing the state spend a fortune in legal fees and time to keep Sophie in their custody, only to place her in a foster home where she may choose not to remain. Plus it would be denying Sophie opportunities she would have with you the state wouldn’t be able to offer. I’m hoping a judge will choose to side with expediency, financial obligation, and common sense. I’ll try that line first anyway.”
Kyle stood and Tim joined him. Flynn saw them out, exchanging some words at the door, but Teri was still trying to make sense of everything. She did
n’t notice when Flynn closed the door and rejoined her, pulling her up into his arms.
“How can you be so calm?” she demanded, starting to cry into his chest.
“I understand lawyers of Kyle’s caliber and Tim’s resourcefulness. I also caught a lot of what they didn’t say to each other.”
“I don’t understand.” Teri looked up to see he wasn’t smiling, but he didn’t look as concerned as he should be either.
“Teri, they’ve worked together for a long time and know how to get things done. They’re a good team, trust them. Go unpack and unwind before the girls get home.”
Nodding, Teri slipped out of Flynn’s arms. Her suitcase had already been moved from Sophie’s room to Flynn’s, and Teri unpacked it in a trance-like state, unable to stop herself from worrying.
• • •
Flynn called Nicholas and gave him the brief version of events. He was on the phone arranging a flight to Seattle when Teri returned. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed the top of her head. Hanging up with the agent, Flynn wrapped his arms around Teri.
“I’m flying out tonight to get Dev and bring him back. I already gave Nicholas the brief version of events, but he’s letting me explain it to the boys. Brenda may come with, or Bryan may not. I won’t know until I get there.” The thought of only bringing Dev back barely crossed Flynn’s mind. Sophie was going to live with them, she deserved to meet everyone. And Dev always coped better with his pseudo-brothers around.
“Where are we going to put them all?” Teri looked around the small apartment.
“Depends on how many I come back with. If it’s just two, I may make them camp in the living room, otherwise we’ll move to a hotel for a bit. I’m all for giving the boys some freedom, but not enough to leave Dev in a hotel with Kenny and Jess as chaperones in our stead.”
“You’re not just saying that to mollify me?”
“No, freedom in limited doses.”
The locks clicked with the turning of a key and Flynn quickly kissed Teri’s lips. “Trust Kyle and Tim to do their job. Ours is to give Sophie a future to look forward to,” he whispered as the door burst open.
Sophie bounded in with Cassie, Tiffany, Kayley, and a driver behind her carrying bags. She was so excited to show Teri everything and describe her shopping adventure that Teri got caught up in her energy and giggles, forgetting about Kyle’s earlier news for a while.
Flynn told Cassie and Tiffany he was flying home tonight to pick up the boys. They decided to sleep over a second night until he returned. He escorted Kayley out, grateful for her appraisal of Sophie’s good behavior, then sat back and watched Sophie try on her new outfits until it was time to go.
He booked a private plane for the flight to Seattle and back again. Flynn didn’t need it so much on the way there, only that he wanted the chance to think and maybe get a little sleep before talking to Dev. He did want the privacy to talk to the boys on the way back.
Flynn doubted there’d be trouble with the boys accepting his marriage to Teri, or the elopement under the circumstances. They’d probably take a little sister as a novelty. Sophie was excited that Dev skateboarded. She recognized Flynn the first time they met so that the boys were a band would probably thrill her. Being only nine meant she was young enough to idolize them and was already on the way. Eventually she might bug them, but that wouldn’t be for a while yet.
Flynn let his mind wander to the upcoming battle to adopt Sophie. He didn’t mention to Teri that Kyle and Tim weren’t planning to play entirely fair, it would just disturb her. Flynn didn’t know exactly what they had planned, and he wasn’t going to question it. He wouldn’t stand in the way of what Teri wanted.
The knowledge didn’t bother Flynn particularly, and shielding Teri from Kyle and Tim’s antics was going to be harder as things progressed. Not that Flynn minded. He’d wanted Teri for far too long. It bordered on obsession. He looked forward to taking care of her, sheltering her, discovering more about her in more intimate ways.
Finally they were married, with a child on the way. Flynn laughed at the unconventional twist on that cliché.
Flynn relaxed and closed his eyes. He’d felt a paternal protectiveness and pride for the boys for some time, Dev in particular because he was the youngest and needed his guidance the most. Now there was Sophie too.
Kenny was mourning the loss of his girlfriend. No doubt Jess was shaken by Cassie’s departure as well. Flynn wondered what prompted Bryan’s sudden desire to get married and hoped Sophie was the only child on the way.
He shook his head. Bryan and Brenda were sexually active, but responsible. An accident was possible, but he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. More likely they’d just been together for a few years now and decided it was time to make it official. They were so young, Flynn couldn’t help worrying.
He was troubled about the boys, always the boys. Flynn pushed them from his mind and concentrated on Teri, on the future they had, and everything he wanted to do to her the next time they had some time alone.
See Also
Be Careful What You Wish For
When seventy-year-old Viv goes on a cruise to start over after her divorce, she finally meets the perfect man. A genie, a wish, and a false assumption on Viv's part lands her unexpectedly back in 1986. She's twenty, in college, and the man of her dreams doesn't remember her anymore.
Even with fifty years experience behind her, Viv starts making the same mistakes she made before. She also learns a genie's wishes come with insidious fine print.
Coming Soon
Taken . . . Tempted . . . Torn . . .
A failed kidnapping lands Chrysanthemum in the hands of the one person she shouldn’t trust. Assaulted by memories of past lives, Chrys soon realizes her soul has been tied to Marcus’s for over two thousand years. The original would-be kidnappers are still at large, but Marcus will do anything to protect the woman he loves. Unfortunately, Marcus is a vampire, and her father and brothers are vampire hunters.
A Thousand Words
Cross-country flights and jumping through legal hoops was not how Teri envisioned her honeymoon, but it was worth it. Flynn’s wonderful. He’s a patient husband and an understanding father. Her son needed a role model and Flynn stepped up to take Dev under his wing.
The honeymoon’s over early when Flynn’s past starts ambushing Teri after just a few months. It terrifies her, confuses her, then . . . she died inside. She knew who he was before she married him, but she didn’t expect it to hurt so much.
Her family’s falling apart and Teri is caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Can she overcome the apathy she feels for her new husband? Can she fight the bitterness inside? And what will Teri do when she realizes the truth she was hiding from herself?
Author’s Note
Thank you for spending time with Teri, Flynn and the kids. The saga will continue as I have plans for some of these individuals. Some are pleasant surprises. Other surprises are not as pleasant.
If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Indie authors love reviews. Also, please feel free to contact me if you found any typos or errors. My books go through several revisions before my editor even sees it, then the drama really begins. I know sometimes errors in books bug me. If it’s an error and not just style, I’ll fix it. Email me at [email protected]
If you want to know more about when the next book(s) in the series are coming, check out my website: www.toribrooks.com.
Again, I appreciate you choosing my book to cuddle up with.
Thank you,
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